HDI PCBs are circuit boards that are designed to maximize the density of surface components, while providing a breakout scheme for ICs with high numbers of tight pitched pins or pads, and propagating high frequency signals. With such a design, the main aim is to provide greater functionality in a small package. However, to make this an effective accomplishment, you need to work with an established and experienced contract manufacturer of an HDI PCB assembly from India. You need one who has t he equipment and expertise to implement the required specialization for HDI PCB electronics manufacturing.
This blog helps you with a well-defined path and design tips that can be followed and incorporated into the design process, which a professional EMS provider may use. After all, PCB designing is a complex job that requires the designer to make tough decisions about which specifications to assign the greatest degree of importance to.
Having a DFM strategy in place
The best manufacturing results are obtained when a design for manufacturing (DFM) strategy is incorporated into the process that targets the benefits to PCB development. DFM has a set of rules and guidelines to follow that target a specific phase of manufacturing like designing for assembly or designing for testing. It could also focus on a specific board design type like HDI.
Choosing the least number of components
The selection of components is always a crucial task, but component selection optimization is more critical for HDI boards. The components for an HDI design may include trace widths, locations, types, and sizes for drill holes and stackup. Packaging, traceability, and availability also need to be considered. Any kind of substitution or redesigning in the layout can add to the fabrication time and material costs.
Spacing components appropriately
With Via locations being asymmetrically distributed, component placement can have uneven stress applied on the board, resulting in warpage, which further affects the number of usable boards per panel manufactured. Signal quality can also be affected the way the components are spaced to introduce electromagnetic interference into traces. Also, parasitic capacitances and inductances from nearby pins and pads can affect signal quality. Thus, it is recommended that EMI modeling to extract parasitics must be included during the designing process.
Choosing Via types
Choosing an appropriate Via type affects the processing time and additional costs. IT also reduces the number of layers and material costs, thus minimizing process complexity.
Choosing stackup
Along with the Via type, you should also choose the right stackup. The material types and the number of layers directly influence the number of lamination and drill cycles required, thus affecting costs.
Tracing routes
HDI PCBs can use smaller trace widths for signal propagation. However, these trace widths should be designed to achieve the best signal integrity, which should include the shortest trace length, consistent path impedance, adequate ground planes, and signal isolation.
With the above tips, an effective HDI PCB can be designed. Miracle Aerospace is where you can get the best quality PCB assembly from India for almost all kinds of applications, even if it is for critical system industries like aerospace, military, automotive, and medical.
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